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The question about the appearance of a folder comes up again and again. There are different answers and options for this too. The currently most common rules are briefly summarized here.

Application via email

The complete application documents (cover letter, cover sheet and CV) must be converted into a PDF format at the end of completion. The file should not be larger than 2 MB.

In addition to the size and the free use of Acrobat Reader, the advantages are, above all, a uniform display regardless of the hardware. You don’t run the risk of ugly shifts or display errors caused by different software versions.

What goes into the email cover letter?

The rule here is – less is more! A friendly and informative two-liner is completely sufficient. In addition to the salutation, there is the reason and a friendly closing word. As an example: “Dear Mr. Müller, I am sending you my application documents for the position as …

For further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Written application, delivery by post

Unfortunately, the belief that a good application requires a thick, heavy and, above all, expensive leather folder is still widespread. Here too, “It’s the content that counts, not the packaging”. Most HR managers look through a large number of applications every day. We are currently using staplers that enable quick viewing.

How do I organize my application documents?

First comes the cover letter, then the cover sheet if available, then the CV and finally the certificates.


Testimonials can say a lot. It is proof of a job well done. Of course, a career starter cannot provide 5 certificates, and an experienced professional with many professional positions should not provide 15 certificates. A good mediocrity is the right way here too.

Important: the certificates should not be older than 10-15 years. The content of the documents should be tailored to the position. Therefore, sort the relevant documents for the advertised position and attach them to the folder.

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